Vanilla Planifolia

Everyone loves Vanilla!!! Chances are you have used vanilla in your baking many times in your life! What a lot of people don’t know is vanilla is an orchid! It grows like a vine, typically up trees. When you decide to grow a vanilla orchid- it is a good idea to have something sturdy for the plant to grow on, as it will grow quite tall. New roots will grow from the stem and attach as it grows up onto whatever surface you have provided. They require a bright, but filtered light, warm temps and high humidity to grow!

Vanilla blooms are small and bloom once a year; and it takes a tall and mature plant to bloom. The process of producing the amazing vanilla bean we all love is a bit of an arduous one. It requires hand pollination early in the morning the day the flower opens, as the flowers only last about a day. Seed pods should appear within a couple of months and must be left to ripen on the vine for about nine months. It is then that they can be harvested and cured.

We have tissue cultured vanilla planifolia (plain,varigated, and super varigated) planted in sphagnum moss in 3-5″ plastic pots available for purchase in the website shop and our shop in Englewood, Fl.