Orchid Mounting

Here in Florida- mounting your orchids in your landscape is a great idea! There are many varieties of orchids that are fabulous to mount in your trees and landscape! Cattleyas, dendrobiums, vandas, oncidiums, and phalaenopsis It is important to understand the light requirements for the type you choose, as some types do better with brighter light and others do better with less bright light. When mounting orchids in the landscape, you need to remember that they will need frequent watering, as they are typically bare root and the roots will dry quickly and will therefore need thorough and frequent waterings.

Here at Blue Pagoda, we can provide you with a custom consultation for your yard that will help you determine the orchids that will work in your space and what you need to do to keep them healthy and happy.

We also do orchid-scaping! We can mount orchids directly in the landscape and add irrigation to the orchids, if needed. Chout the pics to see some of our client’s orchid-scaped yard done by Blue Pagoda!