Vanda Pachara Delight

Orchid Care Instructions

Blue Pagoda and Evolution Orchids, LLC.895 S. Indiana Ave  Englewood, Fl. 34223                                  


If you received an orchid that is potted in sphagnum moss or a bark mix, here are some simple rules on how to take care of it.

These rules apply to mostly Phalaenopsis, cattleya, oncidium, and dendrobium plants, but can apply to others, as well.


1. Enjoy it while it is in bloom in your house or lanai, but keep away from any dry air drafts, i.e. a/c-heating ducts…

2. Water it about every 7-20 days or when the sphagnum moss is losing its moisture (be sure to dig your finger deep into the pot to make sure it isn’t still moist deep inside). Don’t water it if it still feels moist deep in the pot. Sphagnum moss likes to stay moist, but not wet……

3. FOR PHALS ONLY: When watering, put it in a sink or somewhere where it can drain thoroughly (if it is in a decorative basket/pot with no drainage, be sure to turn arrangement over to pour out excess water) and water enough for the media to get evenly moist- not overly wet.  You are not watering the leaves,you are watering away from leaves and into pot to get roots watered. Never let the orchid sit in water for any extended period of time, they hate wet feet. Extra Tip: Do not let water sit in any part of the crown of the leaves (the center, top to bottom of leaves) will cause crown rot.

4. Most orchids like bright filtered light and about 50% humidity, so when it is done blooming, put it somewhere where it will have enough light. It is a good idea to fertilize your orchid, especially when it is done blooming, to help promote new growth and future blooms. We suggest a weak dosage, every week (or with every watering).

5. Remember most orchids like their roots very close to the pot so if you think your pot is too small for your orchid, most likely it is just right.

6. If you ever have questions about your orchid, you can call or stop in. Note: If you need to speak to Mickey (our orchid expert), please call ahead of time to make sure he is in the shop that day before you make the trip.

7. If your orchid was bought from our store, you can bring it in to have repotted when it is done blooming with no labor charge. You only pay for the cost of materials. All other repotting of orchids is 50.00 an hour (with a minimum labor fee of 10.00 per plant) plus the cost of materials.


Enjoy your orchid and remember- Don’t fuss with it too much…..they like a little neglect.